Mentice Bokslutskommuniké, Jan - Dec 2024
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Mentice får en total order på avancerade simuleringslösningar värd $648,410 USD från ett topp 20 globalt medtech bolag
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🇸🇪 Svenska

According to the Code, the Company must have a nomination committee, the duties of which shall include the preparation and drafting of proposals regarding the election of members of the board of directors, the chairman of the board of directors, the chairman of the general meeting and auditors. The nomination committee shall also propose fees for board members and the auditor, and, if applicable, rules of procedures for the next nomination committee. At the Annual General Meeting held on 17 April 2019, it was resolved to adopt instructions and rules of procedure for the nomination committee according to which the nomination committee shall consist of the chairman of the board of directors and three ordinary members representing the three largest shareholders per the end of the third quarter each year.

Nomination committee has been appointed for Mentice AB (publ) Annual General Meeting 2022

Mentice AB (publ) a leading supplier of high-technology solutions for simulation in the medical sector with a focus on endovascular procedures, announces that the nomination committee for the company’s Annual General Meeting 2022 has been appointed.

At the Annual General Meeting held on 6th of May 2021, it was resolved to adopt instructions and rules of procedure for the nomination committee to which the nomination committee shall consist of the chairman of the board of directors and three ordinary members representing the three largest shareholders by 30th of September.

The following members have been appointed to Mentice nomination committee for the 2022 Annual General Meeting:

Lawrence D Howell, appointed by Karin Howell,
Sophie Hagströmer, appointed by Bure Equity
Anna Sundberg, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
Lawrence D Howell, Chairman of the Board
Gösta Johannesson co-opted of the nomination committee is convening the first meeting.

The nomination committee represents approximately 56% of the total number of shares and votes.

The Nomination Committee shall prepare and present proposals for resolution by the Annual General Meeting regarding:
  • Election of a Chairman of the meeting
  • Decision on the number of Board members
  • Decision on remuneration to the Board members and to the Auditor
  • Election of Board members and Chairman of the Board
  • Decision on principles for appointing Nomination Committee

The Annual General Meeting will take place in Gothenburg on April 27th, 2022. Shareholders who have proposals for the Annual General Meeting are asked to submit these to the nomination committee by email to, or by letter to: Mentice AB (publ), The Nomination Committee, Odinsgatan 10, 411 03 Gothenburg.

In order for the nomination committee to process the received proposals with sufficient care, proposals must be submitted no later than March 18, 2022.

Vid årstämman som hölls 11 maj 2023 beslutades att anta en instruktion och arbetsordning för valberedningen enligt vilken valberedningen ska bestå av styrelsens ordförande och tre ledamöter representerande de tre till röstetalet största aktieägarna per 30e september.

Följande personer har utsetts till Mentice valberedning inför årsstämman 2024:

Lawrence D Howell, utsedd av Karin Howell,
Sophie Hagströmer, utsedd av Bure Equity
homas Ehlin, utsedd av Fjärde AP-Fonden
Magnus Nilsson, styrelseordförande från 30e December 2022

Magnus Nilsson, är sammankallande till valberedningens första möte.

Valberedningen representerar cirka 56% procent av totala antalet utestående aktier och röster.

Valberedningen har till uppgift att bereda och till årsstämman lämna förslag till:

Ordförande vid årsstämman
Antal stämmovalda styrelseledamöter
Arvode till styrelsens ledamöter samt till revisor
Val av ordförande och övriga ledamöter i bolagets styrelse
Beslut om principer för tillsättande av valberedning

Årsstämman kommer att äga rum i Göteborg den 23 maj 2024. Aktieägare som har förslag till årsstämman ombeds inkomma med dessa till valberedningen via e-post till, eller via brev till: Mentice AB (publ), Valberedningen, Odinsgatan 10, 411 03 Göteborg.

För att valberedningen ska hinna behandla inkomna förslag med tillräcklig omsorg måste förslag lämnas in senast den 4e april 2024.