Born 1956. Doctor of Medical Science (Med Dr Sc) from Uppsala University. Currently, Senior Advisor, XVIVO Perfusion Inc. Other Board assignments: board member at Cantargia AB and Corline AB. Earlier President and CEO, Xvivo Perfursion AB, President and CEO, Vitrolife AB and board member in the publicly listed Immunicum AB and Dignitana AB.
Shareholding in Mentice: 10,000 shares
Independent in relation to the company, its management, and major shareholders.
Born 1956. Doctor of Medical Science (Med Dr Sc) from Uppsala University. Currently, Senior Advisor, XVIVO Perfusion Inc. Other Board assignments: board member at Cantargia AB and Corline AB. Earlier President and CEO, Xvivo Perfursion AB, President and CEO, Vitrolife AB and board member in the publicly listed Immunicum AB and Dignitana AB.
Shareholding in Mentice: 10,000 shares
Independent in relation to the company, its management, and major shareholders.