Ny VD utsedd för Mentice AB
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Mentice får en order på simuleringslösningar värd €1,062,750 EUR från ett topp 20 globalt medtech bolag
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Göran Malmberg

Group CEO & President


Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping Technical University, Sweden.

Anslöt till Mentice


Professionell Bakgrund

CEO/President for Mentice since 2008. Over 25 years of experience from international management, sales and marketing of high tech products for various industries such as manufacturing, automotive, industrial products, med tech/healthcare. Prior to Mentice, Göran held several board and executive management positions for Swedish and international corporations such as PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation), Auto-trol Technology, Opticore/Autodesk and Programator/Cap Gemini.


710,670 shares held directly and indirectly through company.

Announcement of New CEO Appointment
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Mentice has received a €1,062,750 EUR order for simulation solutions from a top 20 global MedTech company
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Göran Malmberg

Group CEO & President


Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping Technical University, Sweden.

Joined Mentice


Professional Background

CEO/President for Mentice since 2008. Over 25 years of experience from international management, sales and marketing of high tech products for various industries such as manufacturing, automotive, industrial products, med tech/healthcare. Prior to Mentice, Göran held several board and executive management positions for Swedish and international corporations such as PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation), Auto-trol Technology, Opticore/Autodesk and Programator/Cap Gemini.


710,670 shares held directly and indirectly through company.