Mentice to Present the Company's Year-End Q4 Report 2024 via Webcast, February 13, 2025, at 11:00 CET
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Mentice publishes the company’s year-end report for the period January–December 2022

Friday, February 3, 2023

Continued strong order intake and improved cashflow

Fourth quarter (October–December 2022)
• Order intake amounted to 90.3 (73.8) MSEK.
• Orderbook by the end of the period was 126.0 (87.1) MSEK.
• Net sales amounted to 68.7 (67.7) MSEK.
• Earnings before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) totaled 11.5 (12.0) MSEK.
• Net income for the period amounted to 2.1 (-4.2) MSEK.
• Earnings per share (EPS) was 0.08 (-0.17) SEK.
• Cash flow from operating activities totaled 26.0 (7.4) MSEK.

Full-year (January–December 2022)
• Order intake amounted to 252.2 (205.6) MSEK.
• Net sales amounted to 218.0 (185.1) MSEK.
• Earnings before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) totaled -3.9 (2.5) MSEK.
• Net income for the period amounted to -30.7 (-29.2) MSEK.
• Earnings per share (EPS) was -1.22 (-1.18) SEK.
• Cash flow from operating activities totaled 14.9 (-5.1) MSEK.

CEO Göran Malmberg comments:
The fourth quarter of 2022 concluded the year as a year of continued growth, driven by strong growth from both the hospital and strategic alliances business areas but also partly fuelled by the exchange rate. For the fourth quarter, we are pleased to see the initial effects of cost-saving activities implemented during the third quarter. We have reduced external costs, improved our cash position, increased operational cash flow, and also a small but positive EPS.

For the full year, we have delivered growth in net sales of almost 18% (including currency effects), and we reached a new all-time high of 218.0 MSEK for net sales in 2022. At the same time, we have increased our order intake from 205 MSEK to 252 (23%), and our order book at the end of 2022 was 126 (87) MSEK, an increase of 45%.

We are also pleased to see that, despite improvement during 2021, we have continued to improve our margins for 2022, resulting in an average gross margin of 85.5%, up from 81.0% in 2021. This is driven by price adjustments but also our focus on product mix and margin on deal levels. Currency exchange rates also have a positive effect on margins.

Webcast presentation of the year-end report
The presentation of the Year-end Report Q4 for the period October – December 2022 will be held on February 3rd, 2023, at 10:00 CET. The live broadcast is followed by a Q&A moderated by Redeye’s analyst Christian Binder. For more information on how to register, please visit

The presentation will be held in English. Participants are advised to register at least a few minutes in advance.

Mentice presenterar Bokslutskommuniké för Q4 2024 via webcast den 13 februari 2025 kl. 11:00 CET
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Mentice får en total order på avancerade simuleringslösningar värd $648,410 USD från ett topp 20 globalt medtech bolag
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Mentice publishes the company’s year-end report for the period January–December 2022

Friday, February 3, 2023

Continued strong order intake and improved cashflow

Fourth quarter (October–December 2022)
• Order intake amounted to 90.3 (73.8) MSEK.
• Orderbook by the end of the period was 126.0 (87.1) MSEK.
• Net sales amounted to 68.7 (67.7) MSEK.
• Earnings before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) totaled 11.5 (12.0) MSEK.
• Net income for the period amounted to 2.1 (-4.2) MSEK.
• Earnings per share (EPS) was 0.08 (-0.17) SEK.
• Cash flow from operating activities totaled 26.0 (7.4) MSEK.

Full-year (January–December 2022)
• Order intake amounted to 252.2 (205.6) MSEK.
• Net sales amounted to 218.0 (185.1) MSEK.
• Earnings before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) totaled -3.9 (2.5) MSEK.
• Net income for the period amounted to -30.7 (-29.2) MSEK.
• Earnings per share (EPS) was -1.22 (-1.18) SEK.
• Cash flow from operating activities totaled 14.9 (-5.1) MSEK.

CEO Göran Malmberg comments:
The fourth quarter of 2022 concluded the year as a year of continued growth, driven by strong growth from both the hospital and strategic alliances business areas but also partly fuelled by the exchange rate. For the fourth quarter, we are pleased to see the initial effects of cost-saving activities implemented during the third quarter. We have reduced external costs, improved our cash position, increased operational cash flow, and also a small but positive EPS.

For the full year, we have delivered growth in net sales of almost 18% (including currency effects), and we reached a new all-time high of 218.0 MSEK for net sales in 2022. At the same time, we have increased our order intake from 205 MSEK to 252 (23%), and our order book at the end of 2022 was 126 (87) MSEK, an increase of 45%.

We are also pleased to see that, despite improvement during 2021, we have continued to improve our margins for 2022, resulting in an average gross margin of 85.5%, up from 81.0% in 2021. This is driven by price adjustments but also our focus on product mix and margin on deal levels. Currency exchange rates also have a positive effect on margins.

Webcast presentation of the year-end report
The presentation of the Year-end Report Q4 for the period October – December 2022 will be held on February 3rd, 2023, at 10:00 CET. The live broadcast is followed by a Q&A moderated by Redeye’s analyst Christian Binder. For more information on how to register, please visit

The presentation will be held in English. Participants are advised to register at least a few minutes in advance.